Make Life Better by eating healthier, minimizing food loses and optimizing energy consumption.
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If you have an idea for a product in dried form feel free to get in touch with our team. We will do our best to make your product real.
Freeze Drying process or Lyophilisation is nothing more as direct transformation under low pressure of solid water commonly called ice into water vapor which can escape from the drying material and leave it completely dried.
The advantages of the process are well-known and recognized by the industry. Just to name a few of them:
Freeze drying, also known as lyophilization, typically involves three main stages: freezing, primary drying, and secondary drying. Description of each stage:
The process starts with freezing the product. It is one of the most important stages of Freeze Drying which can significantly affect the quality of the final product. The quicker the freezing process the smaller ice crystals are formed from water which is in the product. The goal is to freeze the product quickly and uniformly to minimize damage to its structure and preserve its quality.
At MLB Biotrade we believe this stage has tremendous potential for improvement and we put a lot of effort and attention to make the final product excellent. Check our Solutions to get more inspiration.
Frozen product is transferred to the main freeze-drying chamber. Pressure in the chamber is lowered below – triple point – where water can transition directly from a solid (ice) to a gas (water vapor) without passing through the liquid phase (pressure lower than 600Pa).
Heat is applied to the chamber under strictly controlled conditions in order to accelerate the process and make it more efficient. The evaporated water is collected and removed by a condenser and vacuum system.
In this stage, the temperature of the freeze-drying chamber is slightly increased, and the remaining bound water within the product is removed through a process called desorption. The structure of the product is already established.
The purpose of the secondary drying stage is to ensure that all residual moisture is eliminated, further enhancing the stability and shelf life of the freeze dried product.
Throughout the entire freeze drying process, precise control of temperature, pressure, and time is critical to achieve optimal results. The process aims to preserve the product’s structure, maintain its integrity, and retain its original properties.
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Freeze-dried products are tasty, full of aroma and nutritional values. They retain flavor and color characteristics from their fresh raw material. We can offer a wide range of fruits/vegetables with various cut sizes including powdered form. The lyophilization process takes place without a carrier.
If you want to know more about our product, technology or you just want to talk about ideas for product development – contact us.
Head office
MLB Biotrade Sp. z o.o.
ul. Szarych Szeregów 42C
60-462 Poznań, Poland
+48 696218676
Facility / Warehouse address
ul. Szarych Szeregów 42C
60-462 Poznań, Poland
Sales / Export Department